Doors are everywhere; although I never noticed them before. Despite the fact that I am an observant person, all doors I ever met before this job were definitely taken for granted.
Proper door hardware is a key to building safety, but it is very complex and specialized.
A door off the hinges is heavier than you will expect.
Doors are way more expensive than you ever realized.
“Measure twice and cut once” is very important.
Everyone wants to tell you what the problem with the door is, so you must listen to the customer first and then discuss your opinion about the the door afterwards.
Using a tape measure looks easy until you try to do it yourself and then it is awkward. This is compounded when you try to take notes and photos at the same time.
You don’t have to bother to measure the door, if you are replacing the door frame too.
Doors that open by themselves (don’t securely close) can set off the burglar alarm and wake up people at night.
The tape measure is an essential tool for a door estimator.
Door installers have their own language (such as: mullions, astregals, rixsons, mantraps, scar plates & jamb width) and sell way more than just doors.
Estimates are not sales.
It’s hard to sell a door to someone who does not need one.